從沒想到在1993年harry在LA走後,又有一隻超級可愛又乖的小狗走入我和老公的生命中.i love dogs, ever since when i was very young, dogs were always in my life. i still remember that white 狐狸狗 named ginger when i was only in primary school in taichung. then a small cute little dog named 小小 when i was in college in taipei, he died at a very young age. after that a big 球球 came, i still remember the day he got lost, mom went out to look for him......mom kept looking for him for few days and we didn't see him ever since. 之後家中又有了六在東海撿的流浪狗宝貝,他活了最久,可能土狗天性較堅韌,不像前几隻純種狗的嬌嫰.五和六大概是我們六人之中最愛狗的,他們二人沒有 間斷過養狗.我一直到了1991年....when i heard joseph, jon and ken went to the breeder to look for puppy, i was quite mad. i did not want to have a dog at our house at that time, i was already very busy with two boys, i don't want to have any extra work in my life......but when i saw those little dachshunds, i had to agree with them.......finally we had harry. now i look back, although harry only lived for two and half years, he brought endless joy to our family. especially to jon and ken, at that time, they were only six, seven years old, harry was definitely their best pal. 相信無論他們到多大,在他們心中harry永遠佔有一个重要地位,因為在他們的童年曾有一隻可愛的小腊腸狗.....joseph and i decided not to have dogs after harry died. that kind of heartbroken feeling was unbearable........almost 14 years later, this 娃娃 came to our lives. 我們两人所有的愛毫不保留的投注在這隻又乖又可愛的宝貝上了.她已老了,又有病,不知有多少將來,但我只知她是我們永遠的乖宝.

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