Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Feb. 24, 2023

Last year you celebrated your 5th birthday at shushu‘s condo in Austin

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You and Jiejie built this castle at shushu's place

You must love this present very much

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Mar. 26, 2023

Baba and shushu took you and jiejie to ski in Killington Vermount

Shushu took this picture,  you were following baba down the hill with heavy snowing and hard wind

Must be very difficult! but you did it!

Just like shushu said on the instagram "Start them young!"

Yes, baba cannot wait you and jiejie can ski with him on those double black trailsHaeley, happy 6th birthday

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Baba told nainai and yeye:

"one season of work from magic carpet to her first double black diamond over the weekend"


Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Meimei, you're amazing!

You overcame the fear of the height, the steep slopes and all moguls

From now on you can do anything as long as you made up your mind!

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

May 13, 2023

Unicorn facepaint Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

June 15, 2023

You completed Junior kindergarten and there's a small ceremony for relatives to attend

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Yeye and nainai were so happy we had the chance to visit your classroom and met with your teachers and classmates

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You were only 5 years old, you should be going to kindergarten in Sep.

But after evaluation by teachers and principle

you will be going to 1st grade instead

Meimei, you will be the very youngest in your class 

You will face academic and physical challenges everyday

But yeye nainai have confidence in you

You will overcome any challengesHaeley, happy 6th birthday

But remember don't put too much pressure on yourself

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Nainai has two sons, so had never had the chance to braid hair for girls

So I really like to do you and jiejie's hairHaeley, happy 6th birthday

This hairdo looks really cute on you

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You and jiejie really like yeye! two of you are yeye's 心肝寶貝(xin-gan-bao-bei)

Haeley, happy 6th birthday


After attending uncle Michael's wedding in New Jersey

You, jiejie and mama will fly to Taipei together with yeye and nainai

Will not see baba for almost 2 months

You and baba could not bear to part with each other

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

In Taiwan!!!

You and jiejie will experience hot and humid weather for almost 2 monthsHaeley, happy 6th birthday


Visted live seafood market and had a yummy lunch


A live lobsterHaeley, happy 6th birthday

Did you notice that lobster doesn't have a big claw like Boston lobsters have

Because this is a Taiwanese lobsterHaeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

First experience to shrimp fishing


You and jiejie took a number of different classes while you were in Taiwan

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Dance classes and Wushu

Both of you love Wushu very much

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

A try out class of kickboxing

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Tennis lessons

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Swimming lessons

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You loved to play at ACC playground

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Of course shopping at NET was the most fun

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

This pretty hair ornament was your pick at POLA


7/17/2023 Monday

We took high speed train from Taipei to Kaohsiung Zuo-ying station

Yeye rented a SUV then drove to Kenting

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

We stopped by National Museum Of Marine Biology & Aquarium

Very impressed!

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

 In those 4 days, We went to Eluanbi Park, southernmost point of Taiwan

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Visited local museum where displayed some Japanese aritst works

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

We also went to Paradise Of Deer in Hengchun

This small deer was very nice, so you felt very comfortable to pat him/her

Lots of big deers were very aggresiveHaeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

 This place was closed due to pandemic

The beautiful scenery and rocks along the ocean bank are truly amazing.

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Had fun at Caesar Park Kenting hotel indoor playground

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You and jiejie's happy faces showed how you love to play in the pool

After 4 days in Kenting, we went to Kaohsiung City

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

We went to Kaohsiung Music Center

You were the drummer and mama the guitarist

Jiejie the singer

three of you made amazing trio bandHaeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Great time at Tai Urban Resort in Kaohsiung


While in Taipei

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

At Grand Hotel

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We all agreed that I-Ride Taipei was a fantastic experience

We should do it again with baba when you all come back this summer

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Enjoy shampooing at beauty salon

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

With tai-a-po and cousins Maddy and Mia

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

With funny uncle Teddy

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With the cuttest xi-er

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

And your favorite ACC burger

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

At photo studio probably was one of the most exciting experiences in Taiwan

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You're such a cute and pretty girlHaeley, happy 6th birthday


After spending almost two months in Taiwan


You, jiejie and mama went back to Boston

You must be so happy to see babaHaeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday


Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You all went to Montreal for Thanksgiving Holidays

Shushu took this picture and said "Ready to ski race!"

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Jiejie did this hairdo for you, looks very nice and cute


After last Febuary trip to Austin, baba mama took you and jiejie to Austin, TX again

for Christmas and New Year holidays

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

You look very nice with this pair of cowgirl boots

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

nainai doesn't know whether you've ever been riding on a horse or not

but I'm sure to ride on a horse at one of Taxes farms was the first experience to you!

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

In shushu's house, you helped to make different kind of food

Using dumpling wrappers to make scallion panckes

Taught by Pricilla-gugu

Looks really yummy

You also tried to make dumplings!Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Helping to sprinkle cheese on garlic bread 

Yummy !!! nainai really likes cheesy garlic breadHaeley, happy 6th birthday

We should do this when nainai yeye go to Boston next time

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

 After Christmas shushu came back to Taiwan

you and baba mama jiejie went to San Antonio

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

 I truly believed you and jiejie had lots of fun in Texas.


1/5/2024 Baba flew to Honolulu for work after taking you all back to Boston from Austin

Nainai and yeye flew to Honolulu from Taipei on 1/10/2024 to meet up with baba

Only for 4 days

Because we wanted to spend some time with baba before he turned 40

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Nainai and yeye asked baba to bring back some souvenir we got from our Indonesia/Australia cruise trip

 Afterwards Baba sent this picture to us

You and jiejie were holding wooden handcraft animals from Indonesia 

Baba said you and jiejie love thoseHaeley, happy 6th birthday

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

Ski season started

Baba took you two to ski almost every weekend, that's the happiest thing to do for baba

How about you and jiejie? must be very happy too!

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

After a day of skiing, jacuzzi is definetely a nice treat!

Haeley, happy 6th birthday

On the weekend of Baba turned 40, you all went to Killington to ski

Nainai and yeye like this picture very much

You all got a great smileHaeley, happy 6th birthday


Our beloved granddaughter Haeley

Today you turn 6

You've always been a sweet, cute, clever and independent little girl

Yeye nainai love you very very much

May God bless and keep you always


Haeley, happy 6th birthdayHaeley, happy 6th birthdayHaeley, happy 6th birthday


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